Toast to Brothers

Originally Posted August 6, 2011 and written onto an American Flag sticker on my truck when I got home from the range and saw it there staring at me. Since that time the sticker has been printed and sold by Asian airsofters and pieces of this toast have been printed on t-shirts, websites, blogs and more the tactical world over with little or no acknowledgement to me or more importantly to who this was written for. I made this up the night I got the call about the boys and originally posted it on the web, so proving the truth isn't hard. LLTB and Valhalla type scripts, at the time, were relatively unknown to the general public in reference to American warriors dying. There were few US commands that used the terms although now its very common.

Parents of our brethren , we are grateful to you for instilling the warrior spirit in your sons.
Wives of our brothers, we are eternally thankful to you for sharing your husband with us.
Children of our warriors, we are here for you forever, take pride in your father’s actions.

Thank the Gods these men died a warriors death.

Long live the brotherhood!

See you in Valhalla!